Besides, this was one of those days when if anything could go wrong, it did:-( First of all, since we were not able to meet at the Conservatory we had to invite people to another location to have the group (it was at the apartment of a friend of ours from the church). Besides this, this apartment is hard to find so we had to meet students at the more familiar location - House of Organ Music (most students know this place).

Tolik Sapsay meeting people, acting as a poster pole
Secondly, it had continued snowing almost all day. Those people, who came to the group, mentioned that couple of their friend didn't come, just because they haven't brought their warm clothing from home yet...:-) Then, when we were in the middle of the Bible study kids (who were staying with the baby sitter) started beign VERY loud and noone could get them calmed down. This made the whole atmosphere a bit desruptive, but nevertheless the discussions and Bible study itself went very well. The theme of the first meeting was "Who is Jesus Christ?"
In the middle of a discussion
We had two non believers at the group (Anya and Svyatoslav) and it was good to see them being active and asking questions about Christ and the Bible. Actually, Svyatoslav is an interesting guy, because he was first person whom we surveyed way back in September, when we've started the project. It was funny that he was the one who, among not too many others, showed up at our group.
Anyway, even though not many people came we are not getting disappointed by any means. We will continue to invite people, and even if only ONE person finds out more about Christ in their lives and relives His transformational love - it is WORTH doing. So please continue to pray for our Bible studies, which we have decided to have every Wednesday till December. Soon we want to start having Praise and Worship time and prayer time, so students can be introduced to this as well.
Your work is extremely important. When I think of you, I see, I can not achieve something sitting on one place.