We've celebrated Christmas at Pinelake church at Starkville, MS |
The blog that we've started in summer of 2009 to share different things in our lives, which are worth sharing and praising the Lord for. Hope it will be interesting at least to some.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Christmas in Mississippi...
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
2,000 pageviews at our blog
On Dec. 20th 2011 we "celebrated" 2,000 views at this BLOG. It is encouraging. I guess it means that this is interesting at least to some people to read. So, we will continue on doing this... Please stop by anytime, leave your comments and subscribe to the blog by e-mail (it's in the upper right conner, where it says "Follow blog by e-mail") - you will get a notification by e-mail everytime the new post appears.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Finally settled in Kyiv
How we've moved?
Actually, today it has been exactly ONE MONTH after we've moved to Kyiv!! Amazing, how time really flies! But on a more informative side I wanted to let all of our good friends (and readers of this blog, I hope) know that we are doing really well and grateful to the Lord that He has provided everything needed to "transport" us to this beautiful city (of course, L'viv is beautiful as well:-)!!
The move itself went really smooth and we were able to use a really large truck - big enough to transport BOTH of Katya's piano's!!:-) So, now, we just need to figure out what to do with them both. Our Kyiv friends and my brother Slavik, came to help us unload the truck. We arrived around 20:30pm and by around 22:00pm all our stuff were upstairs and truck unloaded. Thank you, thank you again to everyone who has helped us in L'viv and Kyiv with this move!
Where we live?
We are renting a 2 room appartment on the 21st flooor (yes, no kidding) of a relatively new appartment building near Zhytomyrskaya metro station. Here's the picture of me on the street right near our building, which was taken by Katya from our balcony...
Can't see me? I'm that little gray spot right near the black car...:-) |
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Переїзд до Києва: потрібна допомога
Хто може допомогти у Львові:
Потрібна допомога в завантаженні машини (4-5 моцних хлопців:-), бо машина буде порівняно пізно (біля 9:30-10:00 ранку) і нам потрібно її за 1-1,5 годинки завантажити, щоб ще встигути доїхати в Київ і там розвантажитися до кінця дня. Тому, якщо ви можете допомогти, підходьте будь-ласка до нашої квартири (вул. Вол. Великого 73, кв. 45, під'їзд 3-й) біля 9:45 в суботу 19 листопада.
Хто може допомогти у Києві:
Потрібна допомога в розвантаженні машини (5-6 моцних хлопців:-), бо машина буде порівняно пізно (біля 20:00-21:00 вечора) і нам потрібно її як можна швидше розвантажити. Тому, якщо ви можете допомогти, підходьте будь-ласка до нашої орендованої квартири (вул. Феодори Пушиної 19, зразу на виході з метро Житомирська) біля 21:00 в суботу 19 листопада.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Productive day in KYIV: US VISA, new boss, appartment to live in
Well, yesterday was a very LONG but one of the most productive days in my life for past couple of months. May be I should rather say the day when many things, that have been happening on the background (preparations, thoughts, prayers) just fell into place and I have seen the physical results of those. To summarize all that 18 hours long day I have got my VISA to US, received approval for my Christmas/New Year vacation from my new boss (which means we can come to Passion 2012 and spend Christmas with our friends in US!!:-) and, I think, I have found an apartment to live in when we move to Kyiv. So, now so many questions that we had in our heads cleared up and we can continue on with our move to Kyiv and plans for next 4-6 months of our life.
I have got my US VISA , received approval for Christmas/New Year vacation and found good apartment to live in.
Funny story from that morning... I came to US consulate around 7:45 (as was written at the web site) and there was already a huge line there. Maybe around 25-30 people in front of me to get their visas! I was last in that line... ok, I thought to myself I will wait.How surprised I was when one of the guards asked "Is Mr. Shekhovtsov here?"... I said "Yes, its me". "Please follow me and stand here" - he said to me pointing
Friday, June 3, 2011
CCX Lviv Graduation party 2011
"This evening I was reminded once again, that God is there, He's big and I am very small. I should remember about this!"
Friday, April 15, 2011
First 1,000 views at our blog
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Passion Ft.Worth: Day 2
Francis spoke about the importance for everyone of us to EXPERIENCE God in a personal and real way. That no one can make us or force us to experience the Lord intimately and personally!! Therefore, we all should seek the Lord wholeheartedly – and He will reveal Himself to us. This was a great reminder of another sermon I’ve heard long time ago… my favorite phrase from that sermon was: “If each generation does not experience God first hand, all we’re going to be as Christians is just another social club, where we’re interested in Jesus instead of football, knitting or model cars!”
We’ve also started getting to know each other more in community groups. Funny, but this year, as another proof that this world is a small place, in our community group we’ve met a girl, Lauren, who happens to be in the same church with a Ukrainian girl, Anya, whom we know through Passion… It was great to talk with her and other group members about different things in our lives.
And then in the evening we had John Piper. His sermon topic was “What Is The Bottom of Your Joy?”. It was an AMAZING sermon, probably one of the most influential sermons I’ve heard in past 3-5 years. I will write about it in a separate post.
John Piper preaching on "What Is The Bottom Of Your Joy?"
Not only we had a chance to hear him preach, but Passion guys have invited us to pray with their whole team before the evening sessions started. It was quite an amazing experience to be there together with all those guys, who organize and lead Passion movement and to see how important prayer is for them. Here were those big man and women of faith leading such a large movement, yet completely aware of the fact that without His power NOTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN!! We were there with other guys, who were at Passion from other countries (Canada, Brazil, Ireland) and Louie introduced us to the whole crowd there, as people, who work with students in other countries of the world… It was really special!! Me and Katya have got a felling that being at Passion we are indeed a part of ONE BIG FAMILY – carrying the name of Jesus to the students around the world.
Anyway, that was Day 2 of Passion Ft. Worth 2011 – full of impressions, full of transformational truth, full of encouragement, new friends and fellowship with God’s family.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Passion 2011 Ft.Worth: Day 1
"Has the TRAJECTORY for your life been set?"
"We often turn Paul's word upside down! "We live to gain, and when we die then we will be with Christ (even though truth be told, we really do not want to die)"It was interesting, that even though the book of Philippians is mostly about joy, from the very first session of the conference the keynote was seeming to be on transformational change that takes place in our hearts, when we experience God face to face for the FIRST TIME. The question, which Louie was getting at that first evening was: "Have you ever really experiened that transformational change, that only God can bring in your life?"