Thursday, December 17, 2009

Final CHRISTMAS PARTY for students of L'viv Concervatory.

We have had a final meeting with our students group on the 9th and then 16th of December. Both those were really GREAT meetings and we had around 22 people in attendance during those two meeting (16 and 12 people correspondingly:-)

So, the Lord has really made that day very special since we've had snow for the first time in December, so it felt really like Christmas. We've had a special program prepared with a code name "Santa Clause vs. Sheppards", with couple of games prepared, a Christmas story that we red together with students and a short movie about how Christmas is no longer about Christ's birth anymore in most of the countries. Then we've talked about what Christmas really means and what it means for each of us personally.

At the end we've sung couple of Christmas carols together, which was cool, because there were many musicians in the room, so even without rehearsal it sounded really cool.

Anyway, all in all, it was a great finish of the semester and all students were really excited about the next semester. So, first or second week of February we will be starting the group back again, hopefully in the Concervatory building.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Bible study #5 last Wednesday - 14 people! Why did Christ die on the cross?

Just wanted to share that this Wednesday we had 14 people at our group (well, including us:-) and three of them were non-believers (Anya, Olena and Svyatoslav). There were quite a few students from the conservatory, who are Christians too. We had a GREAT study and then discussion about "Why did Christ die on the cross?"...

We thank everyone who's been praying - please keep doing that!! We know of at least other 5 people who were going to come, but didn't come for different reasons.

I will update this post later with more pictures and details. Here's a quick one though (apologies for a medium quality of the picture, I made it with my phone, since we still haven't fixed our camera:-(

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Our 2 years engagement anniversary.

Whoooa, time flies FAST! It seems like just recently we've been dating each other and here we are celebrating two years of our engagement. At the same time I realize how many wonderful and important moments we've already lived through together over the period of these 24 month...

We've got engaged (Nov. 16th, 2007), registered our wedding with the State (May 8th, 2008), GOT MARRIED before the Lord (May 31st, 2008), I've quit my job with 1+1 (July 2008), we visited the States (Sep. 2008) , moved to L'viv and I've started working for GSM Server (June, 2009)... started student Bible study group at the L'viv's conservatory (Oct. 14th, 2009).

On this day we usually go to the Grand hotel restaurant (where I have proposed to Katya), eat dinner and then just go for a walk down the city center. We've done the same thing this Wednesday. It was a wonderful time together. We've eaten great food, talked and remembered all the details of that miraculous day... The day was quite cold, as in 2007, with the only difference that it didn't snow this year.

Katya, before we've ordered our food (2009)

At home after dinner (2009)
One thing that we've missed this year though, was the pianist that usually plays in that restaurant every evening ... This time he wasn't there. They said they don't invite him to play anymore, which was very sad. His light classic and jazz music was a GREAT addition to a ROMANTIC evening together. Talking about two previous years, here are some pics as well:

Katya the graceful food fairy (2008)

Andriy - the STAKE master (2008)

Right after proposal... (2007)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Wednesday student group: 9 people - good discussions.

This Wednesday, we had nine people at the group. Turned out that one of the new students couldn't come, even though those two guys were one of the major reasons for us to do the group this particular day... however some other people called me and asked if the group is happening, because they wanted to come. So, it was a good thing that we've had the group. It seems like the Lord is adding more and more new people.

Most importantly - we had a very good Bible study. We've talked about "Why Christ came into this world?" and the discussion spurred a whole lot of very interesting questions, including one unbelieving girl giving her version of "how do I get to Heaven?". It was GREAT to see, how, in the process of reading the Word of God people get to their own conclusions, on such important question.

This time we also had short time when we sang praise and worship songs and we plan to continue this in the future, even thought couple of people mentioned that they really want more of the Bible study time and discussion. Well, we decided to make the singing time short.

So, that's how the group went and we're excited now to see how it will be next week, and even more, how the groups will go after quarantine is over. THANK'S everyone for your PRAYERS. Please, keep praying.

P.S. Apologies for the fact that last four posts are "pictureless" - our camera broke down and we haven't fixed it yet. I promise to try to post some pictures later, so you can see a more visible account of what's happening in our life:-)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Tomorrow is FIRST group during the quarantine. Please PRAY!

OK, this does sound exciting!! In spite of the flu quarantine (where all colleges and Universities have been closed for three weeks - till Nov. 23rd), we've decided to continue our student groups. The thing is - there are couple of students that really want to come, so we thought why not.

So, tomorrow we will meet at 19:00 and this time also plan to have some Praise and Worship time at the group as well. This should be really cool.

OK. That's briefly it. Please, please pray for the Lord to work at this meeting.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Swine flu outbreack in L'viv. No student group this week:-(

Well, at least they say there's a flu outbreak... I personally do not feel that, except for the fact that there are absolutely NO face masks and flu medicine left in the aphoteka's (pharmacy stores). Many people are wearing masks, if they are outside, or stay at home altogether just to limit the risk of getting infected. If you ask me, all the fuzz about it in the media sounds like pre-elections turmoil, just to lift up and praise some of the presidential candidates.

All schools are on quarantine for THREE weeks (can you believe that) including the L'viv Concervatory where we work with students!! That's why we had to cancel our Bible study group this week... Sadly that means that we will have to cancel groups in next two weeks as well. However, we've decided to pray about it and may be have a group anyway next week. We will see. Seems that some students still have stayed in L'viv and didn't go to their home towns.

Me and Katya are doing good (praise the Lord) and are not feeling any signs of the cold. We continue our preparations for going to Passion 2010 conference in Atlanta!! I have already sent our itineraries to the Passion team and have confirmed my vacation at GSM Server. We're looking forward for attending this conference very much. Also, after the conference we will be able to go visit with some friends of ours in Florida. Which is
also so great, and we're looking forward to that very much as well.

P.S. Ok, just to add some more visualization to this swine flu thing (I personally think politicians in Ukraine took it way to far, with overestimating the danger of the situation. But then, on the other hand - it is the PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS YEAR). So, here's a bit of a humorous view on all this (you've probably seen this already, but still
wanted to share):

Poor little piglet... it ain't that dangerous - leave him alone!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

We are going to PASSION 2010!! Only by the grace of GOD...

Wow, wow, wow... What else can I say!! Something we have prayed about for almost 5 month now, and have been seeking God's will in, has finally happened. Couple of days ago we have found out that we will be able to go to Atlanta to participate in PASSION 2010 conference. The Lord is so good!!

It was totally unexpected, exciting, thrilling and breathtaking to receive that news. We knew about the conference for over a year now, and after encountering Passion in Kyiv (and working together some with people, who organize it) always wanted to participate in it. However, there was one obsticle, that often prevents people from doing things - we didn't have money for the trip:-) ... but, since nothing is impossible for our God, we've started praying. Not as much for the money, but for Him to show us if we were supposed to go to this conference all together. Off course we've also started to prepare for some fundraising activities... Well, it wasn't needed!!

One day we've just got a letter from Passion Conference organizers, where they were inviting me and Katya to visit the conference offering to cover all expences for the flight, boarding and conference fees... as you can imagine - we were speachless. In moments like this you realize, how BIG is the God we serve, and how small we are in our effiorts to reach something with our own strength.

So, to make the long story short, now we're planning the trip to Atlanta and are positive that the Lord will do some great things at that conference. Have NO idea what, though... at least, for now.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

There's a battle going on...

OK, apologies for a delay, but here's an update on our students group at the conservatory.

This Wednesday we had 6 people at the group and only one of them was a student (Alina - the one we've already written to you about!)... However, we had a really great group, which turned more into a testimonial sharing and prayer meeting. It was a true blessing to be there.

To be brief, please pray for the whole situation with students and the work at the L'viv Concervatory overall, because it seems that some forces REALLY do not want us to be there. One of the examples is that we find good support to the "Identity" project among the management of the school, but at the same time many people (some professors and administrative personnel) are really against us even putting posters out... There were cases when some of them simply ripped them off the wall before we even completely put them there. In addition to this many students, consistently are not able to come to the group on Wednesday for different unexpected (unscheduled) events that Conservatory has.

Please pray. I will try to go to the Conservatory again tomorrow to put out posters... so we will see what happens.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Students came in spite of the snow.

On Wednesday, we had our first Bible study for the students of the L'viv Concervatory. Overall, we had 10 people come to the group, even though we expected more people... but, we know that at this point numbers are not important.

Besides, this was one of those days when if anything could go wrong, it did:-( First of all, since we were not able to meet at the Conservatory we had to invite people to another location to have the group (it was at the apartment of a friend of ours from the church). Besides this, this apartment is hard to find so we had to meet students at the more familiar location - House of Organ Music (most students know this place).

Tolik Sapsay meeting people, acting as a poster pole

Secondly, it had continued snowing almost all day. Those people, who came to the group, mentioned that couple of their friend didn't come, just because they haven't brought their warm clothing from home yet...:-) Then, when we were in the middle of the Bible study kids (who were staying with the baby sitter) started beign VERY loud and noone could get them calmed down. This made the whole atmosphere a bit desruptive, but nevertheless the discussions and Bible study itself went very well. The theme of the first meeting was "Who is Jesus Christ?"

In the middle of a discussion

We had two non believers at the group (Anya and Svyatoslav) and it was good to see them being active and asking questions about Christ and the Bible. Actually, Svyatoslav is an interesting guy, because he was first person whom we surveyed way back in September, when we've started the project. It was funny that he was the one who, among not too many others, showed up at our group.

Anyway, even though not many people came we are not getting disappointed by any means. We will continue to invite people, and even if only ONE person finds out more about Christ in their lives and relives His transformational love - it is WORTH doing. So please continue to pray for our Bible studies, which we have decided to have every Wednesday till December. Soon we want to start having Praise and Worship time and prayer time, so students can be introduced to this as well.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

First SNOW in L'viv... and first Bible study:-)

Well, how do I say this... "This is NOT Texas!!". Those were the words of one of our American friend Dustin (who lives in L'viv), whom I asked this morning what does he think about today's weather. Today, winter has sudenly invaded L'viv...

That's what I've seen from the window of our appartment this morning

That's how my car looked (took me 20 minutes to clean it)

That's how the streets of L'viv looked this morning

Not that it is very unusual to have snow in October, but we surely did not expect for it on the day when we start our FIRST Bible study group with students. Hoping and praying that this will not stop them from coming to the meeting tonight.

Talking about lots of snow, when I cleaned my car this morning, it reminded me of this really funny commercial that I've found on You Tube long time ago. Here it is...

Telling you, it looks almost like myself this morning before going to work (with only exception that, Praise the Lord, I have found my car OK:-)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

WOW! God is at work!

Today, we had our first volunteers meeting before we start regular groups for students in L'viv Convervatory. Not many people have come (3 volonteers and 1 student - all believers), BUT this 1 person that came was worth 10 others that could have come...

Her name is Alina and she is a 1st year orchestra conductor student. Even though I was suppose to lead the meeting (telling people about the "Identity" project and how everyone could be involved) I thought that Alina was ready (in a good way) to lead that meeting for me!!:-) She is such a full of ENERGY and PASSION for the Lord person...

Alina was asking questions half of the time at the meeting and ended up taking 25 copies of the Gospel of Mark "Identity" with her and about 70 invitations to the Bible study group next week. She also almost offered to start a Bible study group right away at the dormitory, where she's living!:-) (can you believe this?)

Wow, I have to tell you, today, it was such a lesson for me how God can turn things around in the matter of minutes. Just before our meeting today I was a bit frustrated that we again were not able to gather more volunteers for this team meeting (overall we have about 12 potential people, but most of them canceled 2-3 days before), but about 5-10 minutes into the meeting I've realized - we do not really need that many, if all of them are like Alina!! It truly was AMAZING to watch.

So, we are all ready now for the FIRST Bible study meeting next Wednesday, with still many posters to hang and many invitations to be hand out. Please, pray for Alina and for all volunteers team, as we prepare. Pray for the MIGHTY work of God in the hearts of students and professors of the L'viv Concervatory.

P.S. We now have surveyed 92 students and 51 of them have given us their contact information. These 50 people we also plan to invite to our meetings via e-mail or phone. It will be exciting to see what will happen next week.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Autumn in L'viv (and first sermon at Osanna Church)

Well, today was kind of an interesting day. It was my first time preaching at Osanna church, which we now regularly attend in L'viv. Our pastor, Dima, has asked me in church last week if I can preach , and I thought - why not!?:-)

And it turned out really well. I spoke on something the Lord has been putting on my heart for a while, and it is based on the verse from Colossians 2:16-17, that "REALITY IS FOUND IN CHRIST"... Never thought that preaching can be so easy, but again I know that it was a fruit of many people praying for me and mighty work of the Holy Spirit. It was a true blessing to have people come to me after the service saying that it w
as important for them to hear what was said in the sermon. Here's the picture:

Right after the service me and Katya went for a short stroll down the center of L'viv (it was a pleasant sunny autumn day), where we've also taken couple of pictures. We've enjoyed the walk very much and it was a great time to think about, what God has been opening thought the Sunday service and what it means to us. Meanwhile, we were eating cheeseburgers and playing with pigeons...:-) The pictures follow:

Katya's playing with pigeons

Katya's eating her "favorite" cheeseburger

I apologize for so many personal details, but just wanted to share with you a bit of how it feels like to live in L'viv and enjoy this beautiful weather, and through all this - God's creation.

P.S. By the way the UNDIVIDED concert that we did visit last Thursday, was really cool. It was indeed a bit contemporary jazz (as for both of our tastes, especially Katya), but we thoroughly enjoyed the evening. A short video of it will follow later. Stay TUNED!!:-)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Day of COFFEE in L'viv

Today, was a great day at church. Katya has lead worship and I was helping her (playing guitar, and singing a bit:-) Our pastor Dima was continuing his series of sermons about Spiritual Gifts (today we've talked about evangelism). It was a great food for thought and a reminder about the importance of sharing about Christ with others.

After the church we went downtown and realized that there is some sort of celebration going on (as it often is in L'viv). Turned out this weekend L'viv celebrated the Day of Coffee, so we have got a chance to have some free ESPRESSO sampling and have some freshly backed cake with it... :-) It was really DELICIOUS.

We might go tonight as well, since there's going to be a jazz concert there as well. Uh, seaking about jazz. There a International contemporary music festival "Contrasts" that starts in L'viv this week, and we already have got tickets for a really contemporary jazz band called UNDIVIDED. Will go to listen to them this Thursday.

Hope it is going to be a good one.

Here's Katya's first little speech on the pages of this blog:

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Starting off this blog...

Why do people start blogs? It seems that it is mostly so that they can share their thoughts, ideas, impressions, dreams, afterall their LIVES with other people... usually with those they do not see very often! Otherwise, why start a blog?You might as well go for a coffee with friends or invite them over to your house for a dinner, Bible study or just a board game together (I personally love to play RISK!!:-). Whichever you prefer - fellowship in person is way better then "sitting at the computer".

However, we ALL know that in our crazy time of GLOBALIZATION it is not always possible. So this blog is a humble attempt to share about our lives, work and ministry with those close and dear people, that we do not have a chance to see personally very often...:-(

Mostly, those are you guys who live in America, or Norway, or Denmark, or Canada, or anywhere else in the world.

We love and miss you all very much. Hopefully, things here will be of interest to you (or at least informative!:-) and our desire is that this space can turn into a small "virtual room" where we can MEET REGULARLY and share our lives and thoughts.

With love,
Andriy&Katya Shekhovtsov