Monday, March 28, 2011

Here We Go: Roadtrip to Passion 2011 Ft.Worth starts...

Today our trip to Passion 2011 STARTS!! We are leaving L'viv and taking an overnight train to Kyiv. Expexting great time with Katya's sister and my parents and then in the early morning of March 30th we are taking our plane to the States. KYIV-AMSTERDAM-DALLAS/FT.WORTH.

Praying, expecting and hoping for much to be revelaed... from the Lord, from the Word and from all the great people we're going to see. So sorry we can not see everyone of you who's supported us for this trip. Gene&Diana, Dough&Fran, Clay&Karen, Jim, Zarat&Damian, Mike&Jane, Al&Alice - we so wish we can see you while in States!!:-( But very much looking forward to see the rest of you guys Chuck, Rod&Sheila, Tim&Heather, Marc&Leigh during our trip.

Will keep you updated as things envelop... To God be the GLORY!!

UPDATE #1: Yesterday we have safely arrived to Ft. Worth. The trip was very smooth and we had great transatlantic flight. Still, very tired upon arrival so we went to bed right away. Slept through most of yesterday, ordered food to the room, and then slept again through the night. Today (March 31st) is a bright morning in Ft.Worht. Ready to eat breakfast and then do the morning Bible reading. Thanks everyone for praying. Will write more later.