Monday, August 20, 2012

Vacation in Montenegro

In Dubrovnik, Croatia, during our vacation in Montenegro 
Ok, from the very beginning this blog entry name should have sounded as "Summer vacation in Italy". It was up to the point until Katya didn't get her visa (since Italian Embassy is a strange place:-) just 4 days before our flight from Kyiv... and we had to cancel our trip to Italy.

Good thing is that (even though in past 2,5 years Ukraine is getting more and more isolated internationally, which is no surpries with our current President) there are still some countries where Ukrainians can travel without a VISA. One of them is Montenegro, where some of our friends have been already and recommended us to go. So we decided... why not?

We've been praying about this vacation for a while now (it was suppose to be our first sea vacation after the honey moon in 2008) and were confident that God had everything under control, even though we didn't get to go to Italy. And He surely did!! This trip was one of our best times of rest for the past 4-5 years.

For starters I will just post some pictures of the places we've visited:

This small country, which is situated on Adriatic Sea, between Croatia and Serbia, offers a lot to see and to enjoy. The population of Montenegro is only 650 thousand people and the territory about 13 500 sq. km. (46 times smaller then Ukraine and 704 times smaller then United States). First of all we really liked the sea itself. The water is very clean and transparent (you can see the bottom even on 5-7 meter depth) and every day we were literally drawn to plunge into water again to refresh. Secondly, we ehjoyed the town where we were staying - Petrovac - a small town about 15 kilometers from Budva (the more well known resot of Montenegro), which was a perfect place for us to rest. It is quiet, family oriented and has variety of options on what beaches to visit. There's also a small dendropark near Petrovac, which is perfect to walk through in the evenings especially if you want to improve your allergies or/and asthma.

Thirdly, it's all the sea food that you can try there. Sea fish, lake fish, shrimps and clams are in abundance there. Here's the proof :-)

And lastly, Montenegro has many beautiful small towns around the Bay of Kotor. These towns are very ancient (some of them started back in Roman Empire times), beautiful, with lots of old churches, small restaurants and boat parkings (more pictures below).

We've spent only 8 days in Monetegro, but fell in love with this country and want to come back again next year for a longer stay, if the Lord so willing. We came back to Kyiv on August 6th refreshed, regenerated and encouraged by the beauty of this country, which was another great reminder of our God's mightiness and soveregnity.


  1. You look so great together! I am glad you chose this marvelous place to go on vacation. Good choice!

  2. Thank you for your kind words. We've enjoyed our stay both in Montenegro and Chroatia!
